Thursday, March 12, 2009

In a New York minute

I'm in the back of a cab from JFK to Manhattan on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. I'm looking down reading my blackberry and I'm suddenly lurched forward. I hear the high shriek of rubber on road. I look up to see a pick up truck in front of me with it's right front wheel turned at a right angle. White smoke is billowing from the tire as it slides along perpendicular to the truck. Wow, the axle must have snapped and the tire is caught in the wheel well. I hope it doesn't pop out and into our windshield. We are all sliding on the road like synchronized skaters in slow motion.

As we all skid to a stop I immediately look to the rear and see oncoming cars and trucks approaching at 55 mph. They quickly try to switch lanes to avoid us. All of the sudden a small Toyota pops out of the center lane accelerating towards us to pass. My heart jumps to my throat. I can see the crash in my mind. I try to pull myself into the back right corner of the car ....the Toyota grows bigger as it approaches, accelerates even more and swerves back into the center lane. Holy shit! Every hair on my body is at attention.

Two more cars and a semi approach. All swerving before they make a bad situation worse. Then, thankfully, there's a break in the crushing traffic and we quickly accelerate out from behind the disabled truck and continue our way to Manhattan. Thank you cabbie!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Holy shit. Angels watching over you. Thank you angels, thank you.