Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ajijic, Mexico

Beautiful Ajijic. This is my second visit here. See my previous posts for more info.

What a great place to hang out.....

The village is alive with families and kids - and the clip clop of horse shoes on cobble.

I want to get into this Cathedral. It's always locked when I stop by. Maybe I better come by on a Sunday morning.

Across the street from the Cathedral is an amazing coffee shop, El Cafe Grande Cafe. It smells so good from the sidewalk you can't resist it. The aroma pulls you in by the nose. I didn't miss my Starbucks one bit.

I love the hand painted facades. They are beautiful. Son bastante.

Native weavers set-up down by the lake shore to work and sell their wares.

The most beautiful weaving's I saw were rugs from Oaxaca. I decided not to buy one here but to wait until I visit Oaxaca to buy one direct from a weaver.

Calle Colon, the main commercial street from the Carraterra to the waterfront.

Here we are touring Ajijic. In the town plaza is an event for the local horsemen and ranchers who provided the bulls for the upcoming rodeo - then we head to the waterfront. Molly and I end up at Las Caballerizas, high on the mountain in San Juan Cosala overlooking Lake Chapala with the sun setting and a couple strong margaritas. Nice. It's Valentine's day so I wish her Feliz dia de amor.

We missed the final Carnaval parade on Fat Tuesday in which Los Zayacos dance through the streets. The festivities are based on the tradition of Toro de Once when livestock raisers used to drive bulls into town on horseback early in the morning to show off the quality of rodeo stock. Now the townsfolk parade instead with colorful floats, bands and Los Zayacos, who are boys & men dressed up like busty broads or bearded men. Giggling children chase them through the streets and Los Zayacos throw confetti or baking flour back. Eric and Karen from Trans America's Journeys were there. Here's their video.

For more Ajijic Carnaval parade videos from Trans America's Journeys click here.

We did get to the Lienzo Charro (bull ring) to see Los Toros though (the Carnaval rodeo) - see my next post. It's awesome!


isamar said...

those pictures are awsome. specially the ones from ajijic, my hometown. hope you have great vacations.

kmhudd63 said...

Not like it may matter to you since I am a complete stranger to you, but I envy you. Being able to travel as you do, experience the culture that you do, and see the world as you do is my ultimate goal. I'm aware I'm young now, but I hope I'll acomplish what you've done. I hope you enjoy every minute of our travels, and please continue to post. It's the closest thing to being in your position as I can get. May great happiness be with you.

Bob Welch said...

Thanks kmhudd63,

I'm glad you are enjoying the posts. I am very fortunate indeed to have the opportunity to travel. I will continue posting and I wish you many travels in your future.